A continuation of Bernoulli Trials!

Exponential Distribution (This is our first continuous distribution)

Let T1 = time until the next “success”

Distribution? CDF:

Exponential Distribution

There is a proof to say

Exponential Distribution

A reminder of the standard deviation (σ_T1)

Because variance is that with a lambda squared!

Gamma Distribution (analogous to the negative binomial)

Let Tk = Time to the Kth success

Gamma Distribution

There is a proof to say, that

Gamma Distribution

As before, PMF is integrated PDF

Looking at the CDF (Big F function), we can see that the higher the K value we have, and more T1 terms we are going to have stretching out the function.

This is another interpretation of, let’s call it T3, or the span of the whole time period. T1 being the time in between each time period.

Memoryless Property

  • Since every trial is independent of all other trials, the past is forgotten

Other Continuous Distributions

Weibull Distribution

  • The Weibull distribution is a generalization on the exponential distribution
  • It is a very common lifetime model distribution, or “time to failure” of a system

Weibull Distribution

There is a proof to say

Weibull Distribution

If B = 1 for big F(x), you’ve got an exponential, and a constant failure rate If B < 1 for big F(X), you tend to get more failures early on, and fewers failures later on - This is known as an improving system, eg, A.I, bacteria colony, red wine, glue, concrete (until it starts to fail, but initially, it takes time to set) If B > 1 for big F(X), you’ve got a degrading system. This is much more common.