• A vector spaces is a set of vectors

  • Addition and Scalar multiplication can be used!

  • Vector spaces can be anything, vectors, polynomials, functions

  • If I have two polynomials of the first degree , u = x + 1 and v = 2x - 3, they both share the same vector space, because they are same degree

  • If I add the polynomials u = x + 1 and v = 2x - 3 together, I get uv = 3x - 2

  • The resulting uv = 3x - 2 is also a polynomial of degree one, so we’re still in that original vector space!

  • The same is true if I multiplied u = x + 1 by 5. I would get 5u = 5x +5. 5u is still a polynomial of degree one, so we’re still in that first degree polynomial space!

  • The same is true of I have the two matrices


  • If I add and , I get û + v̂
  • This results in a 2D vector, meaning that we are staying in the same 2D vector space.
  • would result in the same thing, another 2D vector. We’re good here.

These are known as the properties of closure.
  • Given ûεV (û is a vector in the vector space V) and scalar C, then ε V (The multiplied scalar will also be in vector space V)

  • Given ûεV and εV , then û + v̂ϵ V (The new added vector is also in vector space V!)

The dimension of the vector is usually noted by ℝn. The amount of non zero rows in a vector will give you that.

What are Axioms? What are the 8 Axioms?

Axioms are a bunch of rules which hold true inside of a vector space. There are 10 of which hold true in any vector space V

With vectors û, v̂ and ŵ, and scalars a and b


  1. û + v̂ = v̂ + û This is known as the commutative property of addition!

  2. û + (v̂ + ŵ) = (û + v̂) + ŵ This is known as the associative property

  3. û + 0 = û + 0 There is a zero vector. This is known as the additive identity

  4. û + û' For every vector in a vector space, there is another vector that can bring it back to zero. This property is known as the additive inverse! Multiplication

  5. For ûϵ**V* 1û = u For every single vector in the vector space V, 1* û will equal û. This is known as the multiplicative identity

  6. a * (bu) = (ab) * u This property does not seem to have a name, but is used to combine scalars. Scalars can be combined as such.

  7. (a + b)u = au + bu This is known as distributivity of scalar multiplication with respect to field addition. Vectors can distribute like this!

  8. a(u+v) = au + av This is known as distributivity of scalar multiplication with respect to vector addition. Just like the last property, this works as well! 

Vector Subspaces

  • Vector Subspaces are, you guessed it, a vector space inside of another vector space.

  • If there is a subspace S inside of a vector space V, the subspace S must follow all of V’s rules.

  • The earlier Addition and Scalar multiplication rules ([properties of closure](Final Linear Algebra Review)) can be used to ensure conformance to the new subspace

Plane in a Three-Dimensional Space
  • If you know that you have a plane in a 3D space, you DON’T know that it immediately is a subspace.
  • This is because of the possibility of having a scalar of “0” creating a “zero vector”.
  • If you know that the plane passes through (0,0,0), you’re good, because that condition works.
  • If you don’t know that it passes through the origin (0,0,0), you don’t have enough information to determine whether the plane is a subspace of the 3D space.
Null Space
  • Null Space is a situation to where all of the vectors in AX=B, are AX=0
  • Null Space is noted by N(A) (A being the matrix)
  • This occurs when you have a A matrix, transformed by an “X vector” to make it equal to zero.

To solve for the X’s which make B=0, we can set up a homogenous solution with matrix augmentation.

  • Do REF, or RREF, and solve for the unknown X’s! (keep in mind, this matrix is just:


A weird thing to think about, is that the null space is actually a subspace of A! It meets all of the criteria!

  • What is happening, is that the subspace is being crushed into zero by a transformation, and becomes a zero vector