Laplacian (Δ)

The divergence of a conservative field is equal to the laplacian of the potential! It is marked as ΔF, or ∇2

Incompressible Fields

  • The Curl of a conservative field will always be ZERO
  • The Divergence of a incompressible field will always be ZERO

In 2D, an incompressible field is associated with stream functions (similar to potential functions)

  • Incompressible fields have different markings!

compared to

  • Stream functions do NOT exist in 3D, only 2D

Conservative and Incompressible Fields

If conservative and Incompressible, the field will satisfy Laplace’s Equation

Fields and Curves

Recall that r(t)..

Over a range of t, we will generate a curve.

  • We have seen this before!

Recall that the unit tangent vector T =

  • Recall our smooth curves!


  • We travel counter clockwise around the curve.
We can use these curves for our fields!

Scalar Fields f(x,y) or f(x,y,z) Curve r(t) = (x(t),y(t),z(t))

What is the scalar function along the curve?

Vector fields f(x,y) or f(x,y,z) Curve r(t) = (x(t),y(t),z(t))

What is f on curve?

  • Plug in x(t), y(t) and z(t) from curve into f → f(t)

  • We can break f into two components!

    • The Tangential Component
    • The Normal Component
\vec{f} = \vec{f}_\hat{T} + \vec{f}_\hat{N}

  • One thing to note about N, is that it is not the same as it used to be!
  • N now will face the other direction than it did previously
  • Before, N used to face inwards during the curve.
  • Now, it faces outwards.


N is the normal T is the tangent K is the Khat from (i, j, k)