• This is what makes up QR Decomposition!
  • Q is a Orthogonal Matrix. (It has orthonormal column vectors!)
  • R is a Upper Triangular Matrix

To get a QR decomposition:

  1. Take A, and apply the Gram-Schmidt process to the vectors inside it.
  2. Once you have found the orthonormal vectors of A, load them into a matrix by column. You now have Q
  3. Now, to find R. This is where some theory comes in.
  • We have A and we have Q. We will multiply both sides of this equation to get
  • Now, due to the properties of the orthogonal basis, and the orthonormal columns, we find this
  • This leaves us with I. The I (identity matrix) is left on the right side!
  • So, to find R, we just have to solve

Done! The R matrix has been solved for.